Part 69: Episode LVI: I Am Ready to Finish This
Welcome back to The Last Lands. You know... we never did find out why the area around here vanished and this turned into a floating continent, did we?
Music: Final Push
Oh well! Too late to worry about that trifling detail now. Time to leap back into the portal back to the Time Judges chamber after that month long field trip.
Once again, it is a very good idea to use the final save point in the game. Wouldnt want to lose all that progress during this long journey, right? Also, set aside an hour because the final chapter has some length to it and it all must be done in one shot!
Music: Endirs Journey
Are you ready?
*deep sigh* No more conspiracies to unravel? Old mentors to duel? Treasure hunts? Has EVERYONE gotten that out of their systems now?
Yeah, sheesh. What are you worrying about?
*twitch* Endir... just shut up...
Yes, were ready.
*nods* All right, lets go.
Onward we go into the interdimensional ball of yarn to...
New Music: Inside the Beast
Well umm... I suppose this is different. Didnt I fight a Dark Souls boss here once?
According to the Snow Chronicles, this is the Nameless Phantasm. If you die here you get time fragged like in The 3rd Birthday. A dire fate... Hopefully one we wont face.
The party advances forward...
So thats... the Dark Samsara...
So this things the reason the whole sacrifice ritual started in the first place?
Thats right. Its what started everything...
*shakes head* This power... It feels like Im gonna be crushed by its energy, and were not even close to it yet!
*ponder* ......
Meh... That Ruler of Time thing looked way more intimidating and that was kind of a pushover...
*looks around* What are those?
...A buncha creepy stones?
I meant the larger ones.
...A buncha BIG creepy stones...?
Do they not seem unusual?
Ehh... Well, I guess the one on the right kinda looks like a duck... if you squint...
Oh yeah, I see it too. Weird.
Those... Just plain ol rocks, aint they?
*shakes head* No natural matter can exist in this space.
Then... how are we able to be here?
Umm... Its very complicated. I dont have time to explain.
The Dark Samsaras power was broken up into parts in order to seal it away. Now, that power is being assimilated back into the beings core.
So what? Its gonna like put a pair of rock pants on for armor...?
It is somewhat more complicated than that...
Rock hat, too?
Im going to ignore you now.
*looks around* However, it doesnt seem to have finished doing so yet...
It would appear so. I can sense power flowing into the Dark Samsara from those strange rocks...
Aint we gonna do somethin about them, then?
Never mind the rocks, shouldnt we be worrying about the monster itself?
*shakes head* No... If we attack the Dark Samsara, it may speed up the assimilation... If that happens, we will be at a severe disadvantage.
Yeah... Or we might catch it with its rock pants down...
It doesnt work like that, Endir!
Yeah? How do you know?
I... What... I was LITERALLY created to deal with this! I am the sole authority on how this works now that Eutess is gone!
Well, then you shouldnt have let us mess around so long while this thing was busy assembling its rock pants.
*rubs forehead* Just... stop speaking, Endir...
Well, whichever one we go for first, we sure as hell better not mess this up...
*nods* Lets hurry. We dont have much time.
Lets get rid of this thing and leave.
*looks at Dark Samsara* This guy sucks...
Music: Endirs Journey
Damn! Lighten up! Once this is over, Im havin a nice long rest!
I will...
Dont worry, Dingus. Therell be plenty of time to think of something later.
*sigh* We never did get around to that one-liner workshopping session, huh?
Come on, lets get going... We dont have much time.
Music: Inside the Beast
We now have two options in dealing with Dark Samsara. As suggested, we can go check out the four menacing looking stones in the corners of this area. All of these lead to an optional boss battle that will weaken Dark Samsara significantly. Or you can just go fuck it and take on Dark Samsara now. Who will
IMMEDIATELY stomp the entire party dead. That is because the fully powered powered-up Dark Samsara is the final super boss of the game. And its one that requires our partys A-Team be about 10-15 levels higher than they currently are with an assortment of Support Spritnite that would require even more grinding. It is nice there's a version of the final boss for people who DID grind out all the content of the game and still want something resembling a challenge.
So were going to do this the proper way by messing with these out of place statues. The order we poke the four stones doesnt matter at all. So lets just start with the closest one to the left.
! This... this is...
Theyre nice enough to give us the option of jumping into the battle or backing out to prepare, even after the boss has been summoned. I think we can commit. No turning back now...
Music: The Warmth of Life
Yeah, I know it... Its the same one that attacked my village a long time ago. My brother protected me, and ended up getting seriously wounded... Ive never forgotten it...
You have a brother...?
What? Yes! Tor! He died...
Sorry to hear that... RIP.
...You saw his ghost!
Must have slipped my mind.
You mustnt let it see your weakness. Stay strong, Kir...
Yeah. Besides, this thing was a pushover...
Huh...? Have you seen this monster before?
It attacked my village too.
Oh... Thats terrible!
Nah. It just spooked some peasants and we smoked it. Thing was like Level 10. No big deal.
If youre feelin a lil nervous, Kir, youre welcome to sit this one out... Wanna just leave the fightin to us?
Youre joking, right? If I give up now, itll mean I havent changed at all... What would Tor think?
I dont even know why I expect anything different...
New Music: Unstoppable Force
Time to take on the Vermillion-Winged Beast aka White Wind from the first proper boss of the game with its stats rejiggered to stay competitive against an end-game party. Barely...
It has the exact same move set as it did the first time we faced it back at the beginning of the game. That Snow Chronicles entry suggests it might have a new attack when its low on HP. Ill be honest... I couldnt tell ya!
The Spritnite-Eaten reskinned boss only has 3414 HP. It was dead within 60 seconds using our usual method. And thats counting the eight second death animation and post-battle screen. I aint got time for any more boss retreads.
If you were expecting much from Dark Samsaras power-up minions, I got bad news for you: Theyre all refights like this. And they all absolutely get melted by Battlecry/Coup de Grace in a single round. If we hadnt defeated that boss, Dark Samsara would have the ability to perform its Wing Slice technique which straight up does 700-800+ damage and would certainly one shot the targeted party member. Also, it would have 3414 more total HP. Aeterna was being quite literal with it assimilating those statues power.
Well done, Kir.
You were instrumental in that fight...
*puffs up* Hah! That was nothing!
Yup! That was exactly how much you contributed.
Oh... who asked you?!
Thats one boss down. Three to go. Lets continue to the northwestern corner stone.
Music: Endless Crusade
Its turned into a monster...
Stay strong... These things feed on weakness. Were stronger than we were then. And the others are all with us now...
To make no mention we JUST fought and slew this thing the other day. We can do this!
And that first fight didnt count. Cheating salamander wrecked the boat. Lets see how you do on land now. Or... whatever the hell were standing on!
They actually put a slight bit of effort modifying Nessie 3.0s move set to account for the fact it is just kind of flopping around on land. Like performing a belly flop since swinging its head around to bite people would look silly here. That said, it still can summon a tidal wave from the extra-dimensional rift we find ourselves in. No accounting for the lack of ocean or even a reasonable large puddle in the void.
Unlike the Schwarzstrom super boss with its 5-digit total HP, the Azure-Scaled Beast barely has more total health than the original low level fight against the sea monster. Back to the sea with ya after another 60 second fight.
Taking out Neo Schwarzstrom knocks off a few thousand more HP off of Dark Sammy. It also negates its ability to borrow the Tidal Wave attack to pound the entire party for 500+ HP at will. So thats nice too.
*puffs up* Together, weve got nothing to fear!
I understand that you wish only to raise our spirits, but we must remain vigilant.
She is correct.
*sweat drop* Augh... Come on, cut it out! This place gives me the creeps. I have to put on a brave front!
Kir is right for once. These guys suck. What were we even worrying about?
Even without the aid of these aspects of its power, Dark Samsara is still incredibly strong.
Just like Reaper was, right? Pfft...
Hey, I said Reaper, not Dingus. Dont get all
Making good progress. Lets loop around and face the southeastern corner stone this time. Approaching Dark Samsara to the north will initiate combat with it and we dont quite want that yet. Up next we have...
Music: Path of Redemption
This thing again! Dammit... Aint no coincidence this things the same, is it... Filthy damn monster... Looked inside my heart to decide what youd replicate, did ya?
You know this monster?
Never forgotten it.
...The stupid ice turtle from that first frozen cave?
No. This is different.
No... Im pretty sure this is that same ice turtle... I remember the gross tentacle feeler mouth. Wait... weren't you THERE for that fight...? That was like the first one after you joined.
Nah. It was definitely different.
The first time I accompanied a sacrifice... Nanase... I did battle in a blizzard, with her on my back... and this thing was my opponent. Back then, I couldnt even get my sword through its shell to hurt it...
Did you try stabbing it in the part that wasnt literally armored?
So its a tough foe, eh? Think youll be all right?
Im not the same man I was then. And anyway... I carry this sword for the sake of those I must protect.
But its a log...
Same difference!
This journey has made me feel even more strongly about that. Leave it to me! Im gonna knock this thing the hell outta our way!
Nah, Nidr. Actually, we really dont need your input here.
You can probably read this Snow Chronicle entry on the Onyx-Shelled Beast in roughly the same amount of time it took to send this idiot to the shadow realm.
Slaying Shadow Turtle knocks a few more thousand HP off Dark Samanthas total health pool. Most importantly, it eliminates its Shell ability, which is just a big Guess what?! Physical attacks dont work for a bit! ordeal. We had enough of that fighting the Ruler of Time.
This thing got the better of me last time... but Ive come a long way since then.
*looks at Nidr* ......
Hmm? Whats wrong, Setsuna?
Just now, you said the sacrifices name was Nanase...
Yeah... And...?
You never told me her name.
I... thought you would have been able to figure that given Im in my late 30s and who the last two sacrifices were...
Aww... Its sweet you still have hope Setsuna can puzzle out context clues.
Yeah, sorry... Guess I never mentioned it...
Nanase was my mothers sister... You dont know my mother as well, do you, Nidr?
Did we... already...? Everything back in Nive Village...
(Lord, Mana, did you drop her on her head as a child?)
If we get back from here safely... I want you to tell me about my mother.
*looks down* Yeah... all right. Guess I better have a think about what Im gonna tell you, then...
All right!
Hey, Setsuna! Did you know Nidr knew your dad too?!
What? Is that true...?
*deep frown* Lets just finish what we came here to do...
On to the final and the only mildly challenging one of the Elite Four...
Music: Last of the Blood
This monster... this is...
Julienne? Whats wrong?
It was the blood of a monster such as this that I took inside my body...
Wha? Man, I thought you just like cracked open a Pengy. Dang! Metal! Hell yeah! You need to use that story when putting together that kingdom reboot thing.
In order to see my kingdom restored... in order to live on... I broke even the gravest taboo. I was left with no choice but to do so... because of my own immaturity... my own weakness... That is what the face of this monster forces me to remember.
But you aint gotta remember it anymore, do ya?
Hes right, Julienne. You have overcome it... We all know that.
Plus you murdered the HELL outta this thing earlier.
I... did...?
Yea. It was right before you had... uhh... an episode.
Come on, forget all that! Its in the past now.
Please, everyone... lend me your strength!
The Aurorean Tiger redux rounds out the tradition four gods motif/lame boss rematch pre-game event. Boy, I do wonder if they were planning on adding Spritnite-Eaten versions of bosses as extra fights and this is as far as that plan made it. It sort of feels like that may have been the case.
Regardless, the White-Fanged Beast is the only refight that actually is somewhat challenging. Dont get me wrong, it still goes down to a single Battlecry/Coup de Grace combo. The trouble is if youll remember, Aurorean Tiger was a ridiculously fast enemy that did nothing but hugely damaging combos non-stop. It still does that. I had to heal up everyone a couple times before the finishing set-up was possible just because Aurorean Tiger was dishing out 400+ HP of damage every time an ATB gauge filled.
Still, it only had 3377 HP total and was no match for the win-button set-up of the A-Team.
Taking out the White-Fanged Beast slashes Dark Samsaras HP one final time. Were it not defeated, Dark Samson would have been able to elemental buff its attacks and unleash a devastating combo to the tune of 500+ HP of damage. I think weve dealt with being slapped around quite enough.
If I had not done so, I would not be standing here now.
Exactly. And you wouldnt have met all of us.
And if its any consolation, there was only one timeline loop where you werent forced to consume monster blood.
Oh? What altered my path there?
You choked to death on a chicken bone left in a hastily prepared stew...
Let us refrain from recounting aborted timelines.
*sweats* Y-Yeah!
How did Kir die in that one?
Endir, no! Nobody needs to hea
*rubs chin* Hmm... If I remember correctly, he claimed he knew the way through the Floeberg ice drifts since we couldn't get a guide at Royburg. Immediately plunged through the ice two steps in and drowned.
*sweats* This is NOT helping me psyche up for fighting Dark Samsara...
Anyway, we have now taken out all four of Dark Samsaras cores or... whatever the heck youd call those things. Now can go ahead and take on the... err... not sure what the hell youd call this thing. But we can fight it at a reasonable level at this point! Lets do this thing!
Music: Endirs Journey
So here we are... finally...
H-huh? Th-thats strange... M-my body wont stop shaking...
I too... The sheer scale of his magical energy must be making our bodies tremble of their own accord...
Yeah... me too, to be honest... I feel like my shadows about to make a run for it!
If it does, tell it not to drag me along this time...
Dont any of you die!
Its bad enough Im not getting paid for this whole frikkin mess... Im not having another full party wipe on my résumé too.
...Wait, another?
*sigh* Look, you folks arent the strongest... or the brightest people Ive ever fought with, but... youre at least pretty decent people... Well, maybe other than Dingus...
...Thats fair.
So try not to get ganked, huh? Itd be a bummer.
Hmph... How like you, Endir.
Heh... You aint a bad guy, after all.
There are still so many things I want to do... Im not kicking the bucket now!
This vile foe... Nemesis of my kingdom... Destroyer of my homeland...
To find the true meaning behind those tears... that is why I am here.
Looks like its finally time...
For the sake of all those who gave their lives as sacrifices... We must put an end to this.
Damn right... Lets do it! Cmon! Bring it on!
Find its dick. KICK IT! Let's do this thing!
Tune in next time for the final battle against Dark Samsara! And then a buncha REAL DUMB developments following that as I am Setsuna's finale continues...